Official UNITED KINGDOM TM website
Transcending is the Basis of Enlightenment
Normally throughout the day, we experience the busy active everyday level of thinking. When we practise Transcendental Meditation we experience a state where the mind is completely silent, yet wide awake.

"Enlightenment is the normal, natural state of health for the body and mind. It results from the full development of consciousness and depends upon the perfect and harmonious functioning of every part of the body and nervous system. When one is using the full potential of the mind and body in this way, every thought and action is spontaneously correct and life-supporting. This is life free from suffering, life lived in its full stature and significance."
The desire to know yourself
What the doctors say
Scientific Research
Lynnette Jones
Teaching assistant for the visually impaired
"When my mother passed away, I was searching for something in my life and really did not know where to look. By chance, a friend was arranging an Introductory talk about Transcendental Meditation at her home so I managed to persuade my husband to come along and we have never looked back since that day. Finding Transcendental Meditation has changed our lives for the better, both spiritually and materially. We have found balance, gratitude and peace in our lives and this seems to be reflected in both our personal and working lives. I wish that more people would realise the wonderful benefits of practising Transcendental Meditation."