Official UNITED KINGDOM TM website
You only learn Transcendental Meditation once
And you have it for a lifetime. People do continue their daily practice indefinitely, just because TM is so easy and really does deliver benefits.
The course includes one-to-one instruction, followed by group and individual sessions over six months. This ensures that your meditation continues to be fresh and 100% correct. The aim is to set you up for life, and we are always here for you.
The fee covers you for all the attention you require for that six-month period - on average a dozen or so group and individual sessions.
Accessible to everyone
Our scale of fees based on income is designed to make TM accessible to as many people as possible.
The following fee structure is for your guidance. If you can pay the appropriate fee that's fantastic, but we understand there may be genuine reasons why you are unable to do so.
Please feel free to discuss your personal situation with your local teacher as necessary. You can call them or just go along to an introductory talk, which is free and with no obligation to learn. Partial sponsorship is sometimes possible, as well as payment by instalment.
Under £25,000 ... £390
£25-£40,000 ...... £490
Under £25,000 ... £390
£25-£40,000 ...... £490
over £40,000 ..... £590
State pension, unemployed, very low income.
STUDENTS 18+ £290
Includes mature students if full-time.
Couples, families and children

Couples: 15% discount on standard fees.
(Must learn within 3 months of each other)
Families incl. single parent families:
Parents pay their own fees and children learn free.
Only dependent children 18 and under included.
10-18: £190
Under 10: 25% of main parent's fee. One parent must also do TM.
Our goal is to make Transcendental Meditation available to as many people as possible. TM centres offer payment by instalment and, under exceptional circumstances, partial scholarships are sometimes available for those in financial hardship. For more information, contact your local TM teacher.
Non-profit organisation
Transcendental Meditation is available in the UK only through Maharishi Foundation, registered educational charity number 270157 (England & Wales), XR20456 (Northern Ireland), and SC041919 (Scotland). All revenues from course fees go entirely to support the organisation's educational and charitable initiatives.
Helping those in need
Over the past several years, Maharishi Foundation in collaboration with David Lynch Foundation UK has helped support TM programmes for the homeless, prisoners, and children at risk.
7 Reasons to Learn to Meditate
with Us
Michael Andrew
Financial Advisor
"15-20 years ago I actually went to a Transcendental Meditation meeting and, for all the wrong reasons, I decided against it. The cost is a tiny amount relative to how it can change your life. Transcendental Meditation has given me inner peace that I didn't believe I had."
Dr Norman Rosenthal's
New York Times
best seller
Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation
"The best book ever on TM" David Lynch
Available online and in bookshops