Book your place to learn Transcendental Meditation in Birmingham

Transcendental Meditation is taught by a certified TM Teacher, over a 4 day period.

One-to-one instruction on the first day is by appointment with the teacher (allow 1½ hours). On the following three consecutive days, sessions of up to 1½ - 2 hours provide complete knowledge and understanding of the practice, to ensure you continue to enjoy maximum benefit.

Book your TM Instruction below

Prior to learning TM you need to attend a free introductory talk or "Info Session" presented by a certified teacher of Transcendental Meditation is about 1 hour. You can attend at the centre and meet the teachers or you can watch attached video. The info session or video covers:

  • Why TM is so effective for stress and anxiety
  • Why anyone can practise TM
  • What benefits you can realistically expect
  • How it works – the process of transcending
  • How TM differs from other meditations
  • What happens during TM

Following the talk there will be an opportunity to meet privately with the Teacher to discuss personal considerations. If you choose to watch the video instead this can be done over the phone and takes about 5 mins.

One of these talks is a prerequisite to joining a course of instruction in TM, but there is no commitment to learn. If you choose to come to the centre you can book in on line it is open to everyone even if you only have a mild curiosity! Feel free to bring a friend.

Thank you for your interest in learning the TM technique

There are currently no courses scheduled at this location. However, your local teacher will gladly set up a course for you. Please contact him or her by clicking on the orange button in the top right of your screen and completing the form.

Birmingham TM Centre

Huw Meads 07775 409 644
Claire Winteringham 07985 060 080

Should you have any questions or issues with booking please
call us on the above number or click here to complete the form

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