Monday 14 December, London - Visiting international scientists to endorse programme to raise Britain above problems

[caption id="attachment_87" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="John Fagan PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, Genetic ID"]John Fagan PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, Genetic ID[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_87" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Fred Travis PhD, Director, Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition"]Fred Travis PhD, Director, Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition[/caption]


John Fagan PhD, molecular geneticist, and Fred Travis PhD, brain scientist, are to join British experts in Maharishi’s Consciousness-Based Education, Vedic Organic Agriculture, Transcendental Meditation and other programmes to launch a three-year plan to introduce enlightened solutions to leaders in five areas of  concern in Britain today.


This will take place on 14 December at a press conference to which the public are also invited, at One, Great George Street, London. Contact if you would like to attend.


This is one of the events taking place to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s first arrival in the UK. Live demonstrations will show how the brain becomes measurably more coherent during Transcendental Meditation, and how the first stage of  levitation is achieved in Yogic Flying, the most powerful peace creating technology in the world, according to a substantial body of research.




International scientists and guest speakers explore the practical wisdom that Maharishi brought to Great Britain and the world.

Press interviews with speakers can be arranged for the afternoon


10:30        Welcome and overview of Maharishi’s achievements in national life

Peter Warburton PhD, Chairman of Maharishi Foundation, UK.


10:40       EEG demonstration of optimised brain functioning during Transcendental Meditation: Developing the power of the nation’s most under-utilised resource

Fred Travis PhD, leading researcher on the brain, meditation, and education, and Director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition, Iowa, USA.


10:55        Health: Latest scientific findings on Transcendental Meditation, including a 47 per cent reduction in the combination of heart attacks, strokes, and death

Dr Roger Chalmers, general practitioner with a longstanding interest in research and medical applications of Transcendental Meditation; co-editor of Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers, volumes 2-4.


11:05        Education: Systematically developing creativity and intelligence, improving behaviour and reducing stress in schools

Dr Derek Cassells, Head Teacher of multiple award-winning Maharishi School in Lancashire. This school is a showcase for the application of Consciousness-Based Education in Great Britain.


11:15        Business: Maximising brain power for professional people in challenging times

Nigel Barlow, consultant to companies such as Apple, Microsoft, American Express, John Lewis Partnership, J P Morgan, Lexus, J Sainsbury, SAP, and Unilever, and a best-selling author, creativity coach, and popular international business speaker.


11:25        Agriculture: Ensuring food safety and food security in Great Britain

John Fagan PhD, who, as leading molecular biological researcher with the US National Institutes of Health, renounced almost US$2m in federal funding for research on genetic engineering in order to take an ethical stand for a scientifically sound, morally responsible public policy on genetically engineered foods. Dr Fagan now leads the international GM testing service Genetic ID.


11:35        Maharishi Tower of Invincibility for London: Unveiling plans for a national exhibition centre for Maharishi’s programmes

Peter Warburton PhD, Chairman of Maharishi Foundation.


11:45       Three-Year Plan to introduce Maharishi’s programmes in all areas of society

Richard Johnson, National Director of Maharishi Foundation for England.


11:50        Live demonstration of Yogic Flying

This powerful peace-creating technology, validated by extensive research, will be performed following a briefing on the scientific principles involved.











Opportunity for journalists: A special course in Transcendental Meditation will be offered, commencing Tuesday 15 December, with EEG measures of brain coherence being taken before and after instruction.











Transcendental Meditation


• Transcendental Meditation, as introduced in Great Britain by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1959, is an effortless technique practised for 20 minutes twice a day sitting comfortably with eyes closed.

• It is not a religion or philosophy and does not involve any change in beliefs or lifestyle; nor does it involve concentration, contemplation, mind control, or any manipulation of breathing.


• Transcendental Meditation is the form of meditation most thoroughly validated by scientific research over the past 40 years. There is a wide range of benefits associated with Transcendental Meditation, which are comprehensively documented in the scientific literature.

• More than 300 independently published research studies and reviews of research on Transcendental Meditation confirm a range of benefits for mind, body, and behaviour. These include reduced health care costs, increased longevity, improved mental health, less addictive behaviour and crime, and improved quality of life of society. Comparative studies indicate that these benefits are not produced by other forms of meditation or relaxation.


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