Thousands of Buddhist Monks in Asia Learn Transcendental Meditation

More than 3,000 Buddhist monks in 100 monasteries throughout Southeast Asia have learned the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique, as a result of the work of a revered Japanese Buddhist monk, Reverend Koji Oshima, who is a long-term practitioner and teacher of TM.

According to Rev Oshima, who has personally instructed the technique in many of the monasteries and temples throughout Thailand and Sri Lanka, the Buddhist monks appreciate the simplicity, effortlessness and profound experience of transcendence, which is gained almost immediately after starting to practise Transcendental Meditation.

Reverend Oshima adds that many of the monks begin their day with the practice of the TM technique so that transcendence provides the natural basis for their subsequent prayers and practices.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who introduced Transcendental Meditation to the West and other parts of the world, made many tours of Asian countries, visiting monasteries and speaking personally to Buddhist leaders. One prominent monk in Sri Lanka, who is now the leader (or “Shan Kara”) of one of the three streams of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, has been instrumental in encouraging monks throughout the country to take TM instruction from Reverend Oshima.

Reverend Oshima said the younger monks are especially inspired by Maharishi’s integration of modern and ancient knowledge. “They were particularly interested in the Unified Field chart, illustrating how the Unified Field of Natural Law, as described by modern quantum physics, is experienced directly during TM practice as the field of transcendental consciousness, the field of Absolute Being.”

Read the full article by Bob Roth


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