Russell Brand "masters the art of Transcendental Meditation" – Sun newspaper

The following is an excerpt from an article that appeared in the Sun newspaper on 8 December 2009:

He has just returned from a four-day retreat to master the art of Transcendental Meditation.

The practice, which sees devotees use a repeated mantra to gain inner calm, was established by THE BEATLES' favourite mystic, MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI.

Snake-hipped comic Russ is a long-standing fan of Eastern mysticism and visited the late holy man's university in Iowa, America.

And it was a good job the course was only four days. Russ has also revealed he would never re-locate to the States because of Morrissey.

No, not the former SMITHS singer, but his beloved pet pussy cat.

Russ said: "I'd never move because someone's got to feed him.

"He hissed at me when I tried to explain, but he doesn't understand concepts such as travel and work.

"And he certainly doesn't understand the concept of a bikini."

The comedian misses his moggy so much he's doing something about it.

Russ explained: "I am getting him a pet passport which means he can travel around as much as he likes."


(c) Copyright Sun newspaper

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