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How Transcendental Meditation can prevent war and terrorism

According to The Independent, one of Pakistan's leading scientific journals has recommended the country's military turn to meditation to help to deal with the fight against terrorism. An article in the Journal of Management & Social Science suggests that Transcendental Meditation is a scientifically verified way to prevent war and terrorism. It is the latest of many studies which have shown the positive effect of meditation practices when used by large groups of a population, which together are known as Invincible Defence Technology.

Reported by news media worldwide the article says that daily practice of the meditation technique and its advanced form, the TM-Sidhi programme, by just 2-3% of a nation’s military personnel could reduce societal stress, assist in peacebuilding and prevent new enemies from arising.

The paper entitled, "A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising – Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace” in the current The Journal of Management & Social Science is the latest of over 50 studies which have shown the positive effects of Transcendental Meditation and the TM Sidhi programme -- known collectively, in a military context, as Invincible Defence Technology -- when practised in large groups.

Its author Dr David Leffler, Executive Director of the Centre for Advanced Military Science at the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy in Iowa, USA, advocates the deployment of ‘Prevention Wings of the Military’, made up of groups of military personnel who practise Invincible Defence Technology twice daily. Their role would be to prevent the emergence of new enemies and threats by reducing collective societal stress, which, according to Leffler, is the cause of tension within and between different countries and religious groups, giving rise to war, terrorism, and crime.

The likelihood that the combined results from previous research -- reviewed in the new paper -- were due to chance, it is claimed,  is less than one in a quintillion.

According to Dr Leffler, a US Air Force veteran, “This non-lethal and non-destructive technology… can create victory before war, and can assist in peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding.”

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