Top doctors advise “Meditate to avoid recession depression”

A leading psychologist and psychiatrist have teamed up to bring the benefits of Transcendental Meditation to the attention of professional people, who are under exceptional pressure at this time. Psychotherapist Nancy Liebler and psychiatrist Norman Rosenthal spoke on “Overcoming Depression in the Recession” at the Center for Leadership Performance, New York on 9 September. (Replays of this conference are available by clicking the image below.)

[caption id="attachment_206" align="alignnone" width="415" caption="Effect of TM on Depression (click on chart for Video)"]Effect of TM on Depression[/caption]

According to a study published in 2003 in The British Journal of Psychiatry (183: 514-519), the total annual cost of adult depression at that time was over £9 billion, of which £370 million represented direct treatment costs. There were 110 million working days lost and 2600 deaths due to depression in 2000. It concluded that depression was a considerable burden on both society and the individual, especially in terms of incapacity to work.

This is all the more poignant in these days of economic recession. By the year 2020, it is estimated, depression will be the second most common health problem in the world.

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