Study links Transcendental Meditation with leadership, peak performance

Emerald Press issued a release this July announcing their publication in the leading management journal in Britain, Management Decision, of a study showing that peak performers have degrees of brain and psychological development comparable to people who practise Transcendental Meditation.


Lead author of the article, Harald Harung PhD, associate professor at Oslo University College, explains that the high levels of brain integration and self-actualisation found in world champion athletes, top-level managers, and leaders in a variety of fields were equivalent to those of people who had been practising Transcendental Meditation for up to seven years; people who had been practising this simple mental technique for at least 20 years had significantly higher levels still. This begs the question: Can the qualities of peak performance be systematically developed in anyone through Transcendental Meditation?


The study was a collaboration between Oslo University College, the Norwegian School for Sport Sciences, and Norwegian Olympic Preparatory Centre, and Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in the USA.


“The experience of restful alertness during Transcendental Meditation,” explains co-author Fred Travis, “activates and so strengthens frontal executive circuits of the brain, the basis for successful learning.”



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