Freedom Behind Bars

"When I meditate, I feel free, I feel calm ... I feel that nothing could touch me. It's a great feeling."

- Ladarrius Tidmore, 21, prisoner, Oregon State prison, USA

Freedom Behind Bars: Meditation in Prison is a short, yet powerful documentary (once loaded, see video clip top right of this page) about a successful Transcendental Meditation-based rehabilitation program in a prison in Oregon, USA.

Both inmates and staff talk about the deep-rooted changes they have experienced and observed in the prison since the scheme sponsored by the David Lynch Foundation started. And the prison directors agree that this could be a much more effective and cheaper way of rehabilitating criminals.

Published research shows that meditating inmates have markedly fewer rule infractions while in prison and 50% reduced recidivism rates following release from prison.

"You can't teach a person to be compassionate. But there is something about TM which brings out compassion in people … I don't know how it works but it does," says Dr Michael Puerini, Medical Director, Oregon Department of State Corrections.

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