The world is as
we are
Join the 10 million people who've already learnt TM Reserve your place at a free info session
Quantum physics reveals that we are all connected at the subatomic level. But how do we use this understanding to improve our everyday lives?
Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a practical technique that allows us to effortlessly experience quieter and quieter levels of mental activity until we transcend thought and experience a state of pure, unbounded consciousness that lies deep within us all.
Benefits Include:
Remove the root cause of anxiety naturally
Regular practice of Transcendental Meditation gives a calmer, more peaceful state of mind.
146 independent studies show Transcendental Meditation is significantly more effective in reducing trait anxiety than other techniques.
Source: Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1989; 45:957-974
Scientific research shows that TM has been proven to help with insomnia
The way to break the insomnia cycle is to give the whole physiology a dose of profound inner rest and stillness. TM is highly effective at producing a state of deep inner calm. Many people report an immediate improvement in their sleep quality after learning TM.
Reduced Insomnia through TM
Source:Journal of Counselling and Development
Greater resilience to stress
When your inner resources cannot meet the demands of daily life, you get stressed. TM increases tolerance and the ability to recover from stressful situations.
Decrease your stress hormones naturally
TM's effect on cortisol: this landmark study published in Hormones and Behavour found that Transcendential Meditation reduces cortisol by 30%.
The Stress Hormone
Reference: Hormones and Behaviour
Increase your happiness hormones
Neurologists have found that practising Transcendental Meditation releases serotonin, the neurotransmitter that affects your feelings of well-being and happiness.
Change in serotonin levels during TM practise
Reference: Journal of Neural Transmission Vol 39, 1976, pp257-267
Improve your clarity of mind & creativity
TM is one of the most effective methods for time management. An orderly mind prioritises and does not suffer from time pressure, naturally enhancing creativity.
Effortlessly connect with your deepest inner creativity.
A major research study at American University found that TM creates alpha brain waves. The Mayo Clinic describes alpha brain waves as being associated with a "relaxed, happy, focused" state of mind.
That's why people who learn TM often say they're more focused, creative and productive in activity than ever before. Many of them previously tried other forms of meditation. The chart below illustrates a key difference between TM and other techniques.
Meditate for a healthier heart
Extensive scientific research has shown distinct benefits for cardiovascular health, including reduced high blood pressure and reduced risk of stroke.
Major reduction in heart attack & stroke
A five-year study on patients with coronary heart disease reported a 48% reduction in heart attack, stroke and death among those practicing Transcendental Meditation compared to other controls.
48% Reduction in heart attack & stroke
Source: Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Studies on TM's effect on stress and anxiety
Published 2000 to present
Studies showing the effect of TM on insomnia
Published 2000 to present
Research studies on depression
Research published 2000 to present
Research published before 2000
Research studies on TM's effect on the brain
2000 to present
Research published before 2000
Before 2000
Studies on TM's effect on health
Published 2000 to present
Studies on TM's effect on stress and anxiety
Published 2000 to present
The word ‘transcend' means to ‘go beyond' and instead of trying to think positive thoughts,
we transcend the thinking process altogether, and experience a state of pure ‘Being'.
The experience of transcending thought during TM, is often described as a fourth state of consciousness, a "wakeful hypo-metabolic state" of profound EEG coherence and deep physiological rest - which has been shown through extensive scientific research to produce wide-ranging benefits for mental and physical health.
What happens
during TM?
During Transcendental Meditation the body experiences a state of rest which is almost twice as deep as the deepest part of sleep and in that state of deep rest, the body spontaneously throws off the effects of stress and tension.
TM also has a profound and measurable effect on brain functioning. There is an increase in brain coherence and regular practice helps to re-wire the connections previously damaged by stress and trauma.
Even just a few days of TM practice has been found to switch off the amygdala (the fear centre in the brain) - enabling people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to start sleeping properly at night.
Take the first step
Public introductory talks are currently being replaced with online webinars.
These are advertised under each location. If your local Centre is not advertising a webinar, please call them direct. Otherwise ...
Register for an online info session
The first step is to attend a free introductory talk or "Info Session".
This will be presented by a certified teacher of Transcendental Meditation and generally takes about 1 hour. You will find out:
- Why TM is so effective for stress and anxiety
- Why anyone can practise TM
- What benefits you can realistically expect
- How it works – the process of transcending
- How TM differs from other meditations
- What happens during TM
Following the talk there will be an opportunity to meet privately with the Teacher to discuss personal considerations.
The talk is a prerequisite to joining a course of instruction in TM, but there is no commitment to learn. It is open to everyone even if you only have a mild curiosity! Feel free to bring a friend.
"During Coronavirus I was stuck for 3 extra weeks in Thailand (including 3 cancelled flights). Finally got home (via Qatar!) Then bundled into one hotel room for 14 days isolation. I was so relaxed and enthusiastic about everything that I'm sure people wondered what I was on! All I was doing was my TM programme ... It kept me sane, refreshed and super positive!"