Join the 10 million people who've already learnt TM Reserve your place at a free info session

TM doesn't require hard work,
a belief system or really floaty trousers

Transcendental Meditation is a simple technique that allows you to experience your mind relaxing and becoming quieter, at the same time as gaining deep physical rest. It's great for getting rid of stress and fatigue, and bringing perspective and balance to life (or even getting over the Covid blues).

Animation Lady

We are committed to advancing the field of meditation through scientifically validating TM's benefits through our extensive research, with over 600 studies published to date.

Over the last sixty years, ten million people of all ages, cultures and religions have enjoyed the incredible benefits of TM, and now has never been a better time to learn.

How does TM work?

Hear from one of our TM teachers, Mark.

"TM is a very simple, effective and easy technique that you practice twice a day."

Mark Heath, TM Teacher

Mark Heath

What happens when you meditate

Transcendental Meditation allows the nervous system to access a special quality of rest different from ordinary rest and relaxation - and in some ways deeper than sleep. It allows the brain to break out of the cycle of stress. The frontal lobes of the brain are then able to coordinate mind and emotions, and you see life in perspective once again.

TM's effect on cortisol

Hear what others say about TM's effect on anxiety


"There's a place of calm in all of us, that we can easily access and that's what TM showed me."


Anxiety Chart 1

Highly effective approach to reducing anxiety

A comparative study, involving 1,295 people with high anxiety, found Transcendental Meditation was more effective than other approaches at reducing anxiety. The effect was greatest among people with the highest levels of long-term anxiety.

Whether your symptoms have resulted from stressful events, or they always seem to be there, sustained regular practice of Transcendental Meditation can help you deal with life's challenges without anxiety and depression.

"I felt so blissfully content & happy. It was such an instant and radical change from how I'd felt before."



Take the first step
Reserve your place at a free info session either in person or online

The first step is to attend a free introductory talk or "Info Session".
This will be presented by a certified teacher of Transcendental Meditation and generally takes about 1 hour. You will find out:

  • Why TM is so effective for stress and anxiety
  • Why anyone can practise TM
  • What benefits you can realistically expect
  • How it works – the process of transcending
  • How TM differs from other meditations
  • What happens during TM

Following the talk there will be an opportunity to meet privately with the Teacher to discuss personal considerations.

The talk is a prerequisite to joining a course of instruction in TM, but there is no commitment to learn. It is open to everyone even if you only have a mild curiosity! Feel free to bring a friend.

Common Questions

Can I learn TM from a book or video?+
What happens during Transcendental Meditation?+
What if I'm not good at controlling my mind?+
What if I'm sceptical?+