Advanced Programmes of Transcendental Meditation®
Enhancing the benefits of daily meditation and accelerating the growth to higher states of consciousness.
"These beautiful advanced programmes are the golden key to living the full potential of life in higher states of consciousness - Enlightenment - bringing perfect health, happiness and the fufilment of desires." - Maharishi
Transcendental Meditation™ and all its advanced programmes have their source in the Vedic Tradition of ancient India. In re-introducing these time-honoured programmes and techniques to the world, Maharishi took care to ensure that they would always be taught in their original purity and effectiveness.
We feel fortunate that highly skilled Maharishi Vedic Experts from India, selected and trained by Maharishi, the modern representatives of the Vedic Tradition, usually visit England and Scotland every year to offer these very profound, advanced programmes to all Meditators to accelerate the development of higher states of consciousness.
Other teachers of Advanced Programmes from Europe also visit the UK from time to time.
Mr and Mrs Pradhan, Maharishi Vedic Experts
All Maharishi Vedic Experts are very experienced teachers who received their training under the guidance of Maharishi.
Advanced Programmes November 2017 and March - June 2018
Maharishi Vedic Experts will be visiting the UK again in November 2017 and March - June 2018
For information on Advanced Programmes please click on the links below, which open in a new tab/window:
Advanced Programmes
Advanced Techniques teachers visit the UK regularly - approximately every two months. Please see the next dates below.
November 2017
March - June 2018
Further Information
Please contact your local Transcendental Meditation Centre or the National TM Enquiry Office - Tel: 01695 51213, Email: