Participate in Coherence Days and Day Retreats for Meditators and for Sidhas!
National Coherence Days
These take place one Sunday a month throughout the country and provide an opportunity for very deep rest with extra practice of Transcendental Meditation or the TM-Sidhi Programme. They also help to suffuse the collective consciousness of our country with positivity and coherence, and ensure that the trends of life in Britain are as good as possible. Please contact your nearest Centre for details or call 01695 51213. A small fee is typically charged to cover the cost of lunch, conference calls, and videos.
National Coherence Days with online group meditations at 5pm will take place on the following dates:
Sundays 18 Nov, 9 Dec
Sundays 17 Feb, 24 March*, 14 April, 19 May*, 23 June, 28 July, 18 Aug, 22 Sep, 20 Oct, 24 Nov*, 8 Dec
The above events participate in the Online Group Meditations at 5pm.
* On these dates the Online Group Meditation is worldwide.
Coherence Days for TM-Sidhas are hosted each month by the Shepherd's Bush Centre. Contact James Miles.
Day Retreats for Meditators are held every other month in Regent's University in beautiful Regent's Park. London Meditators will receive invitations to these events by email. Contact: Justyna Sobkowicz.
Other Day Courses
These take place at both our course facilities:
- Maharishi European Sidhaland, Skelmersdale, Lancashire
- Maharishi Garden Village, Rendlesham, Suffolk