Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training
Learn to whisper the supreme knowledge of life, to raise any individual to the supreme level of human achievement.
The Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course for the Age of Enlightenment is a very precious gift from Maharishi for the enlightenment of every individual and the invincibility of every nation - for the creation of life free from problems and suffering, and for a healthy, happy world. It is taught by Maharishi by way of videotaped lectures and his standardised teaching procedures.
It is required that all Teachers of Transcendental Meditation practise the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme for their greatest possible fulfilment and success in life.
Each applicant is asked to consider before the course which teaching Centre they would like to work with. If there is no Centre in your area, where would you plan to establish one, after graduating from the course?
Being a Teacher of Transcendental Meditation should be a full-time profession. It is the most important profession for the transformation of life on Earth, and there is a need for Teachers of Transcendental Meditation everywhere.

Course information
Please contact your local Transcendental Meditation Centre to discuss becoming a TM Teacher and for up-to-date information. Alternatively, you can contact our National Administration office – Tel: 01394 420222 (please leave a message if on answerphone).
The course fee includes the cost of room and board and general administration expenses, but not learning the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, nor travel and other associated expenses.
Everyone who would like to apply for the Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course is encouraged to do so, whether or not the funds are immediately available. Where appropriate, we will help you to try and raise the funds.

Young Teachers
Young Teachers are very much needed. The minimum age is 25, possibly younger for children of existing Teachers of Transcendental Meditation.
Where appropriate, we will help you to try and raise the funds.