Programmes available through Maharishi Foundation in Great Britain
Live in a home in perfect accord with nature. Gain relief from chronic illness. Experience the subtle yet powerful effects on mind and body of ancient therapeutic modalities verified by modern science and refined by an enlightened master. Gain insight into influences that shape your life and cease to be a victim of them. Give your baby the best start in life. Fulfill your role as a woman as never before.
Explore the sources below and call 01695 51213 if you have any questions.
Maharishi Ayurveda: knowledge, consultations and treatments
Residential treatment programmes, Skelmersdale, Lancashire
Day treatments and consultations in Shepherd's Bush, London by appointment.
To book an appointment call 020 8749 5442 or email
Significant benefit can also be gained with a rudimentary grasp of the basics, so do explore some of these links:
General information about Maharishi Ayurveda
See also other sections listed under "Information" on this website
Maharishi Vedic Architecture, Maharishi Sthaptya Veda (MSV), or Vastu Vidya
Maharishi Aromatherapy
A wonderful new programme that supports the benefits of Transcendental Meditation. moreMaharishi Light Therapy with Gems
You can read about this fascinating and exquisite therapy on the website.
To arrange a treatment, or to ask any questions you may have, please call 01695 722240 or email